Vis­it our New Wel­come Cen­ter at Yan­kee Pier

Did you know Gov­er­nors Island now has two Wel­come Cen­ters? Memo­r­i­al Day Week­end we opened a sec­ond Wel­come Cen­ter near the Brook­lyn Fer­ry Land­ing. Locat­ed at Yan­kee Pier, the new Yan­kee Wel­come Cen­ter will be open on week­ends from 10AM-5PM to greet our Brook­lyn vis­i­tors. Stop by to get the lat­est updates on what’s hap­pen­ing on the Island, ask direc­tions and stock up on snacks, drinks and sou­venirs! You can also pick up Island essen­tials like sun­block, pic­nic blan­kets, hats, sweat­shirts and sun­glass­es! Our orig­i­nal Wel­come Cen­ter, locat­ed at the top of the stair­case at Sois­sons Land­ing, is open Wednes­day-Sun­day, from 10am-5pm.

Both Wel­come Cen­ters are staffed by our friend­ly Vis­i­tor Ser­vices team, which includes high school interns from our Har­bor Intern­ship Pro­gram, as well as our Island Ambas­sador vol­un­teers.

The Har­bor Intern­ship pro­gram offers stu­dents from Gov­er­nors Island’s own New York Har­bor School and the School for Green Careers for­ma­tive paid work expe­ri­ence and career devel­op­ment in an idyl­lic set­ting. These bright, moti­vat­ed young peo­ple work along­side our staff to pro­vide gen­er­al infor­ma­tion, man­age sales and offer their per­son­al rec­om­men­da­tions to vis­i­tors. Stop by to say hel­lo! They’ll help ori­ent you and tell you all about the fun activ­i­ties hap­pen­ing on the Island, includ­ing spe­cial pro­gram­ming and events of the day. 

Oper­at­ed by the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island, all pur­chas­es at the Wel­come Cen­ters sup­port Gov­er­nors Island. Learn about all the dif­fer­ent ways you can sup­port Gov­er­nors Island.

The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island would like to thank our sup­port­ers, Bloomberg LP, Con Edi­son, Hyde & Wat­son Foun­da­tion and The Pinker­ton Foun­da­tion, for mak­ing the Wel­come Cen­ters and the Har­bor Intern­ship Pro­gram possible.