Trick or Treat? Octo­ber is here!

For the first time ever, Gov­er­nors Island will be stay­ing open to the pub­lic for the month of Octo­ber! We’ve got plen­ty of autumn treats in store for this month, plus extend­ed runs of this year’s favorite exhibits. This week­end is the last chance to enjoy the Holo­Cen­ter’s exhib­it and Exquis­ite Corpse per­for­mances. Read more for what’s in store this week as well as some spooky Octo­ber announcements! 

Save the Date: Pic­nic Point is Pump­kin Point this October!
Week­ends Octo­ber 21 – 29, 11AM-5PM, Pump­kin (Pic­nic) Point
Just in time for Hal­loween, we’re trans­form­ing Pic­nic Point into our first ever pump­kin patch with­in view of Lady Lib­er­ty! Wan­der past the autumn col­ored Hills to Pump­kin Point where you’ll be able to pick (or just snap pics) from thou­sands of pump­kins, sip cider and snack on ghoul­ish treats from Lit­tle Eva’s. We’ll even have a spooky hayride to take pump­kin pick­ers back to the ferry! 

Fri­day 2 – 4 PM, Sat­ur­day-Mon­day, 11 AM5 PM, Colonels Row 403

The Holo­cen­ters exhib­it includes six artists select­ed through an inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion, their works on dis­play sculpt­ed with light explore how mem­o­ry, motion and images entwine. This week­end (includ­ing Mon­day!) will be the last days the exhib­it will be on view, don’t miss it! 

A Rib­bon About a Bomb
Fri­day 3 PM, Sat­ur­day-Sun­day 2 & 4 PM, Colonels Row 407B

Exquis­ite Corpse Com­pa­ny invites you to a wed­ding… or per­haps the funer­al… Jump to the sur­re­al world of A Rib­bon About a Bomb as you cycle and muse on with Fri­da Kahlo, Reme­dios Varo and Leono­ra Car­ring­ton through the aban­doned halls of a man­sion. Don’t miss the last three dates for this immer­sive performance. 

Escap­ing Time: Art from U.S. Pris­ons
Sat­ur­day-Sun­day, 12 – 5 PM, Nolan Park 6A

Escap­ing Time fea­tures over 200 works of art cre­at­ed by inmates with­in prison walls and is on view every week­end in Octo­ber. Their art­work acts a vehi­cle to demon­strate the men­tal cap­tiv­i­ty inmates expe­ri­ence dur­ing their impris­on­ment. The exhib­it aims to bring atten­tion to the effects of mass incarceration. 

Save the Date: The Hunt on Gov­er­nors Island
Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 21, 12 – 4 PM, Island­wide, meet at Nolan Park

Join Urban Archive for a his­tor­i­cal scav­enger hunt on Gov­er­nors Island! Come out and learn about the rich his­to­ry of the Island as you walk through our His­toric Dis­trict. The event begins in Nolan Park with a round of cider, fol­lowed by the hunt. Prizes will be award­ed to the first three teams to make it back to Nolan Park after find­ing all the photos! 

Friends of Gov­er­nors Island Gala
Thanks for your sup­port!
Last week the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island host­ed their annu­al Gala, which hon­ored the six lead­ers who helped trans­form the Island into a spec­tac­u­lar pub­lic space. Host­ed on Gov­er­nors Island and attend­ed by over 500 guests, it was our largest fundrais­ing event to date! Funds raised at the Gala will go toward ensur­ing Gov­er­nors Island remains a vibrant shared space for all. See pho­tos and watch the spe­cial trib­ute video.

Become a mem­ber in Octo­ber and get two free months of membership!

This month only, become a mem­ber and get two free months of mem­ber­ship, includ­ing invites to exclu­sive off-sea­son mem­ber events like our Fall Foliage Walk, Hol­i­day Tree Light­ing and Spring Mem­ber Pre­view Day! Join now!