Enjoy the snow at Governors Island
Open at all times
See the schedule for island hours.

The Hills in Gov­er­nors Island’s award win­ning park are stun­ning in any sea­son, but par­tic­u­lar­ly delight­ful to zip down in a sled on snowy days. We’ve hand-picked a few areas that seem best for sled­ding – includ­ing Grassy Hill, the side of Slide Hill and the south slope of Dis­cov­ery Hill. Click here to view our sled­ding map. 

Gov­er­nors Island Sled­ding Reminders:

  • Vis­i­tors are encour­aged to bring their own sleds.
  • Please do not sled or ven­ture into any fenced-off or land­scaped areas – our land­scapes need to rest and regen­er­ate undis­turbed under­neath any snow.
  • We’ve des­ig­nat­ed sev­er­al spots as good for sled­ding, but vis­i­tors are wel­come to play in the snow in any pub­lic out­door spot on the Island.
Enjoy the snow at Governors Island
Open at all times
See the schedule for island hours.