Open at all times
See the schedule for island hours.

Stroll across Gov­er­nors Island while explor­ing over four cen­turies of his­to­ry through stun­ning his­tor­i­cal pho­tographs on Urban Archive. On the Offi­cial Gov­er­nors Island Walk­ing Tour, vis­i­tors will learn the sto­ry of the Island begin­ning with its inhab­i­ta­tion and use by the Lenape until the present day, com­par­ing views of the past with present con­di­tions. Oth­er walks are also avail­able to explore dif­fer­ent aspects of the Island’s past.

Down­load the Urban Archive app on the App Store or head to urbanachive​.org and walk to the east­ern shore near Pier 102 to begin the offi­cial self-guid­ed tour.

Open at all times
See the schedule for island hours.