Explore Rachel Whitread's Cabin on the Bloomberg Connects app. Photo by Julienne Schaer

Open at all times
See the schedule for island hours.

Explore Gov­er­nors Island form your phone with our dig­i­tal guide on Bloomberg Con­nects, the free arts and cul­ture app. Use the app to plan your vis­it, then eas­i­ly access help­ful insights on site. After­ward, dive deep­er into your favorite parts of the Island at home – or any­where, any­time! Search for or scroll to Gov­er­nors Island to start plan­ning your visit. 

Cur­rent­ly fea­tured on our Bloomberg Con­nects guide:

Gov­er­nors Island Arts
The arts and cul­tur­al pro­gram­ming pre­sent­ed by the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island comes to life through detailed pho­tos, infor­ma­tion about artists, his­toric per­spec­tives, a self-guid­ed pub­lic art walk­ing tour, and more. 

A Resilient Park in the Har­bor
Explore the inno­v­a­tive cli­mate resilien­cy mea­sures that have been lit­er­al­ly built into Gov­er­nors Island’s award-win­ning 43-acre park. 

The Trees of Gov­er­nors Island
Learn the ins and outs of stew­ard­ing an urban for­est in the mid­dle of New York Har­bor and dis­cov­er the six most com­mon species of trees on Gov­er­nors Island.

Also includ­ed:

Vis­i­tor infor­ma­tion, Island maps, a self-guid­ed his­toric build­ings walk­ing tour, recre­ation­al activ­i­ties, upcom­ing events, food and drink, and more. 

In addi­tion to Gov­er­nors Island, Bloomberg Con­nects lets you explore more than 80 muse­ums, gal­leries, sculp­ture parks, gar­dens, and cul­tur­al spaces around the world, all with one free down­load from the App Store or Google Play.


Use the app to plan your vis­it, then eas­i­ly access help­ful insights on site. After­ward, dive deep­er into your favorite parts of the Island at home – or any­where, any­time! Down­load the app via the QR code, then search for or scroll to Gov­er­nors Island to start exploring.

Open at all times
See the schedule for island hours.