4D Flag by Lindsey Whittle, 2022. Photo by Grace Du Val/Maryam Ghoreishi

Opening May 17
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404B

Res­i­den­cy Unlim­it­ed (RU) is a non-prof­it art orga­ni­za­tion that sup­ports the cre­ation, pre­sen­ta­tion and dis­sem­i­na­tion of con­tem­po­rary art through its unique res­i­den­cy pro­gram and year-round pub­lic pro­grams. RU is locat­ed with­in the for­mer South Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Car­roll Gar­dens, Brook­lyn. The space is mul­ti­func­tion­al, act­ing as a hub and meet­ing place for RU’s var­i­ous com­mu­nal activ­i­ties, pub­lic pro­grams, includ­ing talks, screen­ings, per­for­mances and exhi­bi­tions.

Through­out the sea­son, vis­i­tors will be able to inter­act with artists from all over the world and dis­cov­er their mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary prac­tices as they devel­op new work through open stu­dio events, curat­ed exhi­bi­tions, work­shops, and performances.

Opening May 17
11:00 AM — 5:00 PM
11:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404B