Mildred Beltré solo exhibition at KODA House, 2022. Photo by Argenis Apolinario

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Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 407B

Found­ed in 2019, KODA is a nomadic non­prof­it arts orga­ni­za­tion ded­i­cat­ed to mid-career artists. KODA grants social jus­tice res­i­den­cies to allow for exper­i­men­ta­tion and facil­i­tates cre­ative projects through strate­gic part­ner­ships with social­ly engaged part­ners. KODA fos­ters dia­logue and intel­lec­tu­al exchange, and serves the com­mu­ni­ty through exhi­bi­tions of con­tem­po­rary art, events and out­reach to strength­en art education.

KODA House presents a res­i­den­cy sea­son that spot­lights the theme of Heal­ing (through August) and Men­tal Health (through Octo­ber), fea­tur­ing sev­er­al res­i­dent artists with works on dis­play. Cel­e­brat­ing their 5th anniver­sary, KODA asks What do artists need?” and explores the future of artist res­i­den­cies and ways to bet­ter sup­port artists. 

On View

I only want love that feels like rest, Nico­let­ta Darí­ta de la Brown

Through Octo­ber 19: Roof over your head/​Give me shel­ter, Mil­dred Bel­tré
Dur­ing her time at Gov­er­nors Island, Mil­dred Bel­tré has been explor­ing weav­ing as struc­ture and tex­tile as archi­tec­ture. She used the cur­rent archi­tec­ture’ of the island (the trees, the exist­ing hous­es, as well as the land­scape) to fur­ther these explo­rations. Pre­sent­ed as float­ing roof tops in the land­scape, the instal­la­tion acts as shel­ter but in fact is not effec­tive in pro­vid­ing it.

Through Octo­ber 29: A More Per­fect Cir­cle, Sari Carel
The exhi­bi­tion is an inti­mate iter­a­tion of Sari Carel: A More Per­fect Cir­cle, 2024, orig­i­nal­ly an out­doors instal­la­tion by the artist. The research-based com­mis­sion that informed this project is inspired by the sin­gle-use cof­fee cup, a ubiq­ui­tous object that brings into focus peo­ple’s dai­ly expe­ri­ence of inter­act­ing with trash. This research-based project con­nects our per­son­al encoun­ters with dis­pos­able objects to the wider sys­tems that fill our lives with waste.

Upcom­ing Events

Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 407B