Photo courtesy of Cumbe

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Cumbe’s vision is to bring ashé, the West African prin­ci­ple rec­og­niz­ing the pow­er and author­i­ty of all liv­ing things to pro­duce pro­found change, into our every­day lives. On Gov­er­nors Island, they will be offer­ing free dance & drum class­es, includ­ing: Con­golese, Sam­ba, Hait­ian, ASA Fit­ness, Hula, Moroc­can Chaabi, Afro-Fusion and so much more. Cumbe invites the peo­ple of New York City and Island vis­i­tors to feel the joy and vital­i­ty of dances and rhythms from through­out the Dias­po­ra this sum­mer. See below for their sum­mer sched­ule of free class­es on Gov­er­nors Island, and click here for more info.

Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 21

  • 2 PM — Cre­ative Caribbean Movement
  • 3 PM — Tra­di­tion­al Congolese 
  • 4 PM — Chica­go Style Steppin’
Select Saturdays