ArtsConnection Artist Institute at Mark Morris 2022. Teaching Artists participating in a dance class led by Amparo Chigui Santiago.

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Weekly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from May 20, 2023, until Oct 31, 2023
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 408B

ArtsCon­nec­tion is proud to kick off its res­i­den­cy on Gov­er­nors Island with a cal­en­dar of arts and cul­tur­al offer­ings includ­ing: free sum­mer pro­gram­ming through their Map Free City sum­mer inten­sive (open to all NYC teens); the Teens Pro­grams Finale Event on Sat­ur­day, May 20th; the Teens Curate Teens Art Exhi­bi­tion, whose theme this year is The Body; and artist res­i­den­cies offered to 15 pro­fes­sion­al artists on ArtsConnection’s teach­ing artist ros­ter. Full sched­ule to be announced soon.

Weekly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from May 20, 2023, until Oct 31, 2023
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 408B