The Seed by Seema Lisa Pandya, 2023 AnkhLave Garden Project at Brooklyn Botanic Garden

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Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 408B

AnkhLave Arts Alliance is a NYC-based non-prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to advanc­ing BIPOC artists in the con­tem­po­rary art realm. Through annu­al pro­gram­ming includ­ing the AnkhLave Gar­den Project Fel­low­ship, Cura­tor in Res­i­dence, and Pub­lic Artist in Res­i­dence, they pro­vide plat­forms for artis­tic expres­sion and exchange. On Gov­er­nors Island, they will present six artist res­i­den­cies, a cura­tor res­i­den­cy, open stu­dios, and out­door sculp­tur­al installations.

Upcom­ing Events

  • August 16: AnkhLave Lat­inx Artist Spot­light — Fea­tures Domini­can artist Diego Espail­lat con­tribut­ing a per­for­mance titled Wrapped,” where he will have his arms encap­su­lat­ed in plas­ter ban­dages live from 2 – 3pm, fol­lowed by Brazil­ian artist Cecil­ia pre­sent­ing an encore per­for­mance of Rais­ing the Rain­bow Sky” from 3 – 4pm and Colom­bian artist Corali­na Rodriguez Mey­er’s artist talk in tan­dem with her two per­son show Phan­tom Bur­dens & Limbs” (exhib­it also fea­tures Xiong Wei) from 4 – 5pm.
  • August 17: Black Well­ness Week­end Fes­ti­val — Kicks off at noon with Dario Mohr’s Hap­py Plant­i­ng Day” Ances­tor ven­er­a­tion rit­u­al from 12 – 1pm, fol­lowed by Havi­vah of VIVA Blue­print lead­ing a yoga class from 1 – 2pm, Mar­lon Smik­le instruct­ing on Cal­is­then­ics from 2 – 3pm, Priscil­la Smik­le pro­vid­ing tarot read­ing from 3 – 4pm, and AnkhLave Pub­lic Artist in Res­i­dence Kraig Blue will DJing house music on the porch of the AnkhLave House from 5 – 6pm. 
  • August 18: AnkhLave Asian Artist Spot­light — South Kore­an artist David Yongh­wan Lee will per­form a live draw­ing ses­sion in the sec­ond floor clos­et space called Draw Togeth­er” between 12 – 5pm. Japan­ese artist Chi­hi­ro ITO will have a Flag Wav­ing per­for­mance from 1pm-2pm and Jevi­joe Vitug will present a tem­po­rary tat­too work­shop on the porch of the AnkhLave house.
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 408B