Carolina Rivera, photo by Jens Look

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Aug 21, 2022
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A

Flux Fac­to­ry on Gov­er­nors Island presents Trav­el­ing Foun­tains + Per­for­mances, a site-spe­cif­ic instal­la­tion by Gra­ciela Cas­sel, and per­for­mances by Julia San­toli and Car­oli­na Rivera. This show is curat­ed by Emireth Her­rera Valdés. 

Con­sid­er­ing the foun­tain” as a sym­bol of free-flow­ing ener­gy, par­al­lel­ing our human cir­cu­la­to­ry sys­tem, Trav­el­ing Foun­tains invite the view­er to med­i­tate on the water in dif­fer­ent states. Gov­er­nors Island becomes a reflec­tive sce­nario where per­for­mances by Julia San­toli and Car­oli­na Rivera cre­ate a dia­logue to rein­force the water’s beau­ti­ful trans­paren­cy and lucid­i­ty cre­at­ing sin­u­ous rhythms and movements. 

Today, we wit­ness in awe and despair the dis­solv­ing of water’s sto­ic, age­less sol­id state, our ice caps melt­ing, a mur­mur bring­ing forth a trou­bled des­tiny, a polit­i­cal chore for soci­ety to unrav­el and restore. Trav­el­ing Foun­tains aim to bring aware­ness of our need to care for our rivers and oceans. Trav­el­ing Foun­tains + Per­for­mances con­jures nature with the urban space.

This event is free and open to the public.

Aug 21, 2022
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A