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Aug 28, 2021
Parade Ground - Parade Ground - Parade Ground

Expe­ri­ence a live (mini) rock­et launch on Gov­er­nors Island, from artist Tom Sachs, as part of his Rock­et Fac­to­ry project — a trans-dimen­sion­al man­u­fac­tur­ing plant that uses NFTs to build new NFTs.

100% free and open to all vis­i­tors, this event will fea­ture food trucks, music, merch for sale and a live rock­et launch on the Parade Ground.

Check in at Island Oys­ter at 1pm to receive a wrist­band that will get you a free meal from one of the even­t’s food trucks, along with a free drink for those 21+! Artist-designed merch will be for sale at a pop­up at Island Oys­ter, with a por­tion of sales donat­ed to Beam Cen­ter.

If you’re head­ing to the Island for the event, catch the 12:40pm fer­ry from the Bat­tery Mar­itime Build­ing in Man­hat­tan, where event staff will be hand­ing out free fer­ry tick­ets while sup­plies last!

The event is orga­nized by Tom Sachs Stu­dio and Some­thing Spe­cial Studios.

Aug 28, 2021
Parade Ground - Parade Ground - Parade Ground