! Alert

Due to forecasted rain, Jazz by the Water on 9/7 is cancelled. Stay tuned for a rescheduled date.

Due to forecasted rain, Jazz by the Water on 9/7 is cancelled. Stay tuned for a rescheduled date.

Hamza Kırbaş, Pinocchio Syndrome Series, 2022

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Oct 30, 2022
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Lawn

The Pinoc­chio Syn­drome per­for­mance by Hamza Kır­baş is a sym­bol­ic reflec­tion on cur­rent socio-polit­i­cal event and a sub­tle trib­ute to the 1988 movie They Live. It ref­er­ences direct­ly the Pinoc­chio effect, name­ly when a per­son lies, they expe­ri­ence an increase in the tem­per­a­ture around the nose and in the orbital mus­cle in the inner cor­ner of the eye.” For this event, the artist will invite the pub­lic to wear and walk around with Paper Pinoc­chio masks that he will have made. This event from Res­i­den­cy Unlim­it­ed will take place in Nolan Park as part of Pump­kin Point 2022. Click here for a full sched­ule of the day’s free events.

Oct 30, 2022
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Lawn