This is a past event
Sympoietica: A Grounding and Automatic Drawing Experience
Flux Factory
Oct 31, 2021
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 404A
Sympoietica is a participatory performance that creates a space of solace, recuperation, and creative expression through our relationship to the earth and its multi-species
inhabitants. The audience is invited to participate in a guided soundscape, movement and reflection exercise that connects them to Governors Island’s biodiversity and history while expressing their associations through automatic drawing. The performance combines the connective practice of earthing, the Surrealist technique of automatic drawing and feminist theorist Donna Haraway’s concept of sympoiesis or “making-with.” The January 2012 Journal of Environmental Public Health states “reconnection with the Earth’s electrons has been found to promote intriguing physiological changes and subjective reports of well-being. Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits — including better sleep and reduced pain — from walking barefoot outside or sitting…transferring the Earth’s electrons from the ground into the body.” Sympoiesis or “making-with” is the concept that things do not create themselves but develop through dynamic interrelations. Through sound, movement and reflection, the performance generates a collaboration between bodies, place and other living things that center systems of care, embodied knowledge and collective well-being.
Sympoietica is made possible by the New York Foundation for the Arts’ #CityArtistCorps Grants. Special thanks to @nyfacurrent, @NYCulture, @madein_ny, and @queenstheatre.
See below for past programs and events on Governors Island.