Photo by Zach Williams

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May 14, 2022
Governors Island - Governors Island - Colonels Row Green


Swamp in the City is NYC’s only Cajun & Cre­ole music fes­ti­val that cel­e­brates the vibrant musi­cal, cul­tur­al and culi­nary tra­di­tions unique to South­west Louisiana. The 4‑day fes­ti­val will take place May 12 – 15, 2022, on Gov­er­nors Island and in Red Hook, Brook­lyn, and will fea­ture world-class Louisiana dance­hall bands, Cajun jam ses­sions, mouth-water­ing Cajun and Cre­ole food, cook­ing demon­stra­tions, dance lessons, a Sun­day music camp, a fam­i­ly dance and a year’s sup­ply of danc­ing packed into one fun-filled weekend. 

This year’s all-star line­up includes Cedric Wat­son & Desiree Cham­pagne, Blake Miller & The Old Fash­ioned Aces, Jesse Lége & Joel Savoy, Joe Hall & The Cane Cut­ters, Kel­li Jones, Chas Jus­tus, Jim­my Breaux, Kevin Wim­mer, Rose & the Bros, the Couil­lon Con­nec­tion, Jo Vidrine, Amelia Biere, Col­in Gould, The Cher­ry-Limes, Ernie Vega and more! 

Swamp in the City will host a free day­time event on Gov­er­nors Island at Colonels Row on Sat­ur­day, May 14 from 11am-5pm (spon­sored by Lafayette Trav­el) and tick­et­ed per­for­mances in Red Hook, Brook­lyn Thurs­day-Sun­day, May 12 – 15

May 14, 2022
Governors Island - Governors Island - Colonels Row Green