Photo by Elaine Carberry

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Jun 16, 2023
The Hills - The Hills - Outlook Hill

duel c is a free per­for­mance where care and vio­lence com­min­gle, stir­ring toward undo­ing. A dance of entan­gle­ment, duel c inhab­its an illog­ic of sen­tience and per­pet­u­al move­ment, where agree­ment and dis­agree­ment, with and against, sol­i­dar­i­ty and soli­tary, har­mo­ny and dis­so­nance are free to assume each oth­er’s properties.

duel c is a move­ment piece in response to Charles GainesMov­ing Chains, a pub­lic art sculp­ture pre­sent­ed by Gov­er­nors Island Arts, Cre­ative Time, and Time Square Arts on Gov­er­nors Island.

Cre­at­ed and Per­formed with Ley Gam­buc­ci with dra­matur­gy by Anna Lubli­na.

Pre­sent­ed in part­ner­ship with Gov­er­nors Island Arts, Cre­ative Time, and Times Square Arts. Sup­port­ed by Dance Reflec­tions by Van Cleef & Arpels.

duel c is part of Low­er Man­hat­tan Cul­tur­al Coun­cil’s annu­al Riv­er to Riv­er Fes­ti­val. Fea­tur­ing 12 pre­sen­ta­tions of live art, per­for­mances, and par­tic­i­pa­to­ry events in pub­lic spaces through­out Down­town New York, the 2023 Riv­er To Riv­er Fes­ti­val explores themes of recla­ma­tion, resis­tance, and interconnectivity.

Jun 16, 2023
The Hills - The Hills - Outlook Hill