Courtesy of GrowNYC

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Sep 10, 2022
Urban Farm - Urban Farm

Learn how to trans­form indi­go leaves into blue dye, and all about the col­ors of the plants and flow­ers grow­ing through­out New York City. The work­shop will start with har­vest­ing the woad or medieval indi­go grow­ing in GrowNY­C’s Teach­ing Gar­den. Par­tic­i­pants will then gen­tly har­vest flow­ers from the gar­den for petal pound­ing and print­ing, and use it to make their own nat­ur­al indi­go dye. 

  • All mate­ri­als provided.
  • Suit­able for adults and chil­dren aged 9 and up accom­pa­nied by an adult.
  • Part of this work­shop is indoors; masks are high­ly encouraged.
  • The farm receives direct sun and is hot dur­ing mid­day. Please make sure to dress for being out­side in the sun as well as inside.
Sep 10, 2022
Urban Farm - Urban Farm