Photo by Selina Martinez

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October 8 + 9
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Lawn

All per­for­mances are free. Please reserve tick­ets at the link below. Click here to down­load the dig­i­tal program.

Indige­nous Enter­prise will present free dance per­for­mances in hon­or of Indige­nous People’s Day (Octo­ber 9). Indige­nous Enter­prise is a Native Amer­i­can col­lec­tive found­ed in 2015 and based in Phoenix, Ari­zona. The com­pa­ny was estab­lished with the goal of shar­ing the pos­i­tive aspects of indige­nous cul­ture through film, fash­ion, and dance. Since their found­ing, Indige­nous Enter­prise has become one of the most dynam­ic and excit­ing cul­tur­al com­pa­nies in the world. Their per­for­mances have cap­ti­vat­ed audi­ences at some of the most icon­ic venues and events, includ­ing the Super Bowl, Syd­ney Opera House, Joyce The­ater, and the 2020 Pres­i­den­tial Inau­gu­ra­tion. They have received crit­i­cal acclaim from pub­li­ca­tions such as the New York Times and Vogue Mag­a­zine for their cap­ti­vat­ing per­for­mances and stun­ning visu­al artistry. Through their work, Indige­nous Enter­prise is ded­i­cat­ed to pre­serv­ing and pro­mot­ing indige­nous cul­ture in a pos­i­tive and inspir­ing way.

Per­for­mance Schedule

  • Sun­day, Octo­ber 8: 2pm, 4:30pm
  • Mon­day, Octo­ber 92pm

Please note: the per­for­mance orig­i­nal­ly sched­uled for Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 7, has been resched­uled to Sun­day, Octo­ber 8, due to fore­cast­ed rain.

October 8 + 9
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Lawn