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Jul 16, 2022
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 403

Join Michele God­win and Gail Shaw-Clemons from EFA Robert Black­burn Print­mak­ing Work­shop in an out­door non-tox­ic print work­shop at NADA House on Gov­er­nors Island. Learn to make rain­bow roll prints and your own col­la­graph by glu­ing cut paper and flat objects onto plates. All mate­ri­als are includ­ed. All ages are wel­come. Spon­sored by Speed­ball Art.

  • Ded­i­cat­ed Work­shop: 11am – 12:30pm (RSVP Required)
  • Open Print­mak­ing: 12:30 – 2pm 

The first 90 min­utes will be a ded­i­cat­ed work­shop for up to 25 indi­vid­u­als. RSVP is required, and you must arrive to NADA House by 11:00am. The remain­ing time will be open to any­one who would like to drop in and make a print. 

Jul 16, 2022
Colonels Row - Colonels Row - Building 403