Photo courtesy of NYCRUNS

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Oct 27, 2024
Governors Island - Governors Island - Colonels Row Green

Gov­er­nors Island was com­plete­ly off lim­its to nor­mal New York­ers for 200 years and now it’s a won­der­ful des­ti­na­tion with the best views of low­er Man­hat­tan, the Brook­lyn coast­line, and the New York Har­bor. What nobody tells you about though is the ter­ri­fy­ing his­to­ry of the place. Mil­i­tary pris­on­ers, acci­dents, tragedies, and more — let’s just say you’d best run a FAST 5K or 10K. Cos­tumes encouraged! 

Your entry includes a fer­ry ride, your race-entry, a snazzy tech t‑shirt, and post-race eats. Then make a day of it and stick around for island fun, includ­ing all sorts of Hal­loween good­ness at Pump­kin Point.

NYCRUNS pro­duces run­ning events that exceed the stan­dards of the biggest events in the world while pro­vid­ing the atmos­phere of a true com­mu­ni­ty race. That means pro­duc­ing accu­rate­ly mea­sured and timed races with appro­pri­ate on-course sup­port, excep­tion­al race swag, and a fes­ti­val that tru­ly makes you want to cel­e­brate your accom­plish­ments with friends, all with the great­est city in the world as a jaw-drop­ping back­drop. NYCRUNS puts on about 35 races annu­al­ly in New York City includ­ing the Queens Half Marathon, the Brook­lyn Marathon, the Cen­tral Park Half Marathon, and the icon­ic Empire State Build­ing Run-Up.

Oct 27, 2024
Governors Island - Governors Island - Colonels Row Green