! Alert

Following an earlier delay, ferry service to Governors Island has resumed as scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Following an earlier delay, ferry service to Governors Island has resumed as scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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June 8-9
South Battery - South Battery - Lavender Field

Earth Mat­ter NY’s annu­al NYC Laven­der Fes­ti­val offers two days of tours, demon­stra­tions, mak­er work­shops, har­vest­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and fun fam­i­ly activ­i­ties at the Laven­der Field on Gov­er­nors Island — a heal­ing space for com­mu­ni­ty, bees and the earth, and the only laven­der field in New York City! 

Vis­it June 8 – 9 to dive into the heady fra­grance of laven­der, see the field in bloom, and take advan­tage of spec­tac­u­lar pho­to opportunities.

June 8-9
South Battery - South Battery - Lavender Field