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Weekly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from May 17, 2024, until Aug 18, 2024
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Building 10A

Join for an Artist Open­ing on Sat­ur­day, May 18, with a per­for­mance by Móni­ca de la Torre and Hans Tam­men at 2:30pm.

This group show, pre­sent­ed by Har­vest­works on Gov­er­nors Island, stud­ies in human per­cep­tion via art­works that explore pri­va­cy, brain-com­put­er inter­faces, cli­mate and fun­gal net­works, Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and themes of air, fly­ing and float­ing. The works use cre­ative tech­nol­o­gy such as audio spa­tial­iza­tion, sto­chas­tic audio, ges­ture inter­faces, AI, biotech­nol­o­gy and sim­ple motor­ized devices.

Artists and Art­works include: 

  • Adelle Lin and Matt Pin­ner Star Catch­er, an immer­sive instal­la­tion that encour­ages par­tic­i­pants to engage with their envi­ron­ment in a play­ful and imag­i­na­tive man­ner. Using pro­jec­tion and mag­i­cal objects, the instal­la­tion cre­ates a sim­u­lat­ed night sky that is brim­ming with an ethe­re­al con­stel­la­tion of stars that par­tic­i­pants can catch. 
  • Mon­i­ca de la Torre and Hans Tam­men ARBORE­TUM is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between poet Móni­ca de la Torre and sound artist Hans Tam­men. A series of poems writ­ten by de la Torre, inspired by the trees of Gov­er­nors Island, are in turn processed and spa­tial­ized by Tam­men. De la Torre con­sid­ered the botan­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal speci­fici­ties of species of the island’s trees. 
  • Tan­sy Xiao Here’s the Infor­ma­tion We Col­lect, an inter­ac­tive video instal­la­tion tai­lored to respond select­ed pri­va­cy pol­i­cy post­ed on major social media plat­forms. Audi­ence mem­bers are invit­ed to engage with the work by speak­ing into a micro­phone. LUCA (Last Uni­ver­sal Com­mon Ances­tor – the hypo­thet­i­cal sin­gle-cell organ­ism from which all life on Earth descend­ed) is a non-lin­ear vir­tu­al envi­ron­ment where real-time bio­met­ric data from per­form­ers’ move­ments is streamed into the vir­tu­al envi­ron­ment to dynam­i­cal­ly shape the visu­al and son­ic ele­ments of a vir­tu­al world.
  • Gisela Gam­per Hear, There Every­where is an immer­sive visu­al and son­ic envi­ron­ment that observes and cap­tures move­ment in nature and in the artist’s per­son­al envi­ron­ment. In my video Hear There Every­where I play with and observe mov­ing beads. Intrigued by the ever-chang­ing pat­tern cre­at­ed by the beads I record­ed their inter­play with sound and cap­tured a mes­mer­iz­ing visu­al and son­ic experience”.
  • Ahmed El Shaer AI Heav­en, a two chan­nel video instal­la­tion com­pris­ing images and ani­mat­ed short loops where the artist col­lab­o­rates with arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to explore ques­tions about the after­life and how a machine imag­ines the meta­phys­i­cal and the tran­scen­den­tal. All images are pro­duced through gen­er­a­tive tech­nolo­gies — the final artis­tic works — are ful­ly cre­at­ed by machine intel­li­gence with­out the artist’s interference.
  • Judy Dun­away AERO­NAUT This immer­sive, site-spe­cif­ic instal­la­tion com­mem­o­rates pio­neer dare­dev­il avi­a­tor Charles K. (“Char­lie”) Hamil­ton mak­ing the first round trip flight between New York City and Philadel­phia on June 13, 1910, tak­ing off from and return­ing to Gov­er­nors Island. The instal­la­tion fea­tures inflat­ed latex bal­loons in var­i­ous sound capac­i­ties, includ­ing res­onators, strings, reeds and ASMR stimulators.
Har­vest­works is one of the 2024 Gov­er­nors Island Arts Orga­ni­za­tions in Res­i­dence.
Weekly on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, starting from May 17, 2024, until Aug 18, 2024
Nolan Park - Nolan Park - Building 10A