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Aug 12, 2023
Soissons Landing - Soissons Landing - LMCC's Arts Center

Meet 12 farm­ers who have cap­tured the ephemer­al nature, from seed to flower (or veg­etable), of com­mon, every­day plants. Expe­ri­ence 12 col­lages of pre­served spec­i­mens, from roots to shoots, and then learn to make your own flower press to take home. You can cre­ate a library of plants and flow­ers (herbar­i­um) that will delight you forever.

Click here to learn more about Earth Mat­ter on Gov­er­nors Island, open to the pub­lic every week­end through the end of Octo­ber at the Urban Farm.

Aug 12, 2023
Soissons Landing - Soissons Landing - LMCC's Arts Center