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August 10-11
Governors Island - Governors Island - Colonels Row Green

New York City’s pre­mier annu­al Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty returns this sum­mer for two week­ends, with tick­ets now on sale. Break out your best flap­per dress­es, linen jack­ets, straw hats and spats, and 100-year-old Gats­by-inspired attire! The Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty on Gov­er­nors Island fea­tures live music, retro cock­tails, and 20s Pro­hi­bi­tion era enter­tain­ment. Explore the Island and join dance lessons, take a vin­tage por­trait, check out the antique 1920s cars, play cro­quet, enjoy a gourmet pic­nic, and more. So whether you are look­ing for a roman­tic get­away with your part­ner in crime à la Bon­nie and Clyde’ or a solo after­noon sur­round­ed by nature, this is the vin­tage par­ty for you! Found­ed and host­ed by Michael Arenel­la & His Dream­land Orches­tra, it offers a unique, inter­ac­tive oppor­tu­ni­ty to relive one of the most col­or­ful and for­ma­tive epochs in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. Don’t miss out!

August 10-11
Governors Island - Governors Island - Colonels Row Green