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Jun 17, 2022
The Hills - The Hills - Outlook Hill

On June 17 Japan Per­form­ing Arts will per­form Gujo Odori” and Nishi­mon­ai Bön Odori,” two of the Big Three Bön Odori dances of Japan, on top of Out­look Hill. These two dances are cul­tur­al­ly dis­tin­guished with hun­dreds of years of his­to­ry and are typ­i­cal­ly per­formed at a wide vari­ety of cul­tur­al occa­sions in Japan (i.e. not only dur­ing the sum­mer obon tim­ing). The dances will take place on top of Out­look Hill, with spec­tac­u­lar views of Low­er Man­hat­tan, New York Har­bor, Brook­lyn, New Jer­sey, Stat­en Island and the Stat­ue of Liberty.

Jun 17, 2022
The Hills - The Hills - Outlook Hill