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October 19 + 20
Liggett Terrace - King Ave

FAD Mar­ket is back on Gov­er­nors Island for its fourth annu­al month­ly res­i­den­cy, occur­ring every third week­end from June to Octo­ber. Tak­ing place along the tree-lined King Ave, nes­tled between his­toric ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry build­ings, this idyl­lic mar­ket set­ting is steps away from Yan­kee Pier, where the Brook­lyn fer­ries dock, and Liggett Ter­race, where the food trucks ral­ly. Fea­tur­ing a rotat­ing line­up of over 40 of the city’s emerg­ing mak­ers, design­ers, artists, and small busi­ness­es, vis­i­tors can expect to find hand­craft­ed jew­el­ry, art, appar­el, bath and body care, table­ware, home fur­nish­ings, arti­sanal pack­aged food, and more.

Come for the one-of-a-kind goods, stay for a cock­tail and a game of pétanque (a lawn throw­ing game sim­i­lar to boc­ce and boules) with our neigh­bors, Car­reau Club. Take a short fer­ry ride and make a day of it! 

Mar­ket Dates
June 15+16
July 20+21
August 17+18
Sep­tem­ber 21+22
Octo­ber 19+20

October 19 + 20
Liggett Terrace - King Ave