Corporate Opportunities

Gov­er­nors Island offers an expan­sive plat­form for your com­pa­ny to strate­gi­cal­ly align with a vis­i­ble and unique pub­lic des­ti­na­tion in New York City. We under­stand that every com­pa­ny has dif­fer­ent objec­tives and invite you to explore the ways your com­pa­ny can demon­strate your com­mit­ment to open space, the envi­ron­ment, and the arts. 

Cor­po­rate Spon­sor­ships and Partnerships

  • Spon­sor­ship and part­ner­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties posi­tion your com­pa­ny along­side a thriv­ing pub­lic des­ti­na­tion with over 120 acres of open space with high­ly engaged and diverse visitors.

Cor­po­rate Mem­ber­ship (Employ­ee Vol­un­teer Days)

  • Cor­po­rate Mem­ber­ship pro­vides your com­pa­ny with mem­ber ben­e­fits, includ­ing team vol­un­teer days and more.

Learn More

To learn more about corporate volunteering or sponsorship opportunities on Governors Island, please complete our online Inquiry Form or email We will contact you shortly.


A unique and growing public destination with visitors from every zip code in New York City, Governors Island is uniquely positioned to engage all New Yorkers providing companies with unrivaled and innovative philanthropic and marketing opportunities.

Governors Island leverages its expansive platform to develop bespoke partnership packages, in collaboration with you, highlighting our shared commitment to open space access, arts and culture, and the environment.


Give your employees the opportunity to donate their time while enjoying fresh air and spectacular views.

Let us curate your ideal volunteer day.
Our team will work with you to design the perfect outing for your group, centered around a hands-on, team-building gardening project that will have a tangible impact on the Island’s landscapes.

With limited financial resources for gardening maintenance, we rely on volunteers to keep the Island’s landscapes lush and welcoming for all. Contributions for volunteer events are tax-deductible less the value of goods received, in accordance with New York State law.