! Alert

Following an earlier delay, ferry service to Governors Island has resumed as scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Following an earlier delay, ferry service to Governors Island has resumed as scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Give a tribute that gives back.

Hon­or the spe­cial peo­ple, events, or mile­stones in your life with the gift of Gov­er­nors Island. Adopt­ing a bench, tree, ham­mock, or Adiron­dack chair is a mean­ing­ful trib­ute that leaves a long-last­ing impact on Gov­er­nors Island’s 172 acres of lush green space.

To adopt a piece of Gov­er­nors Island, please email Cora Paulbeck at cpaulbeck@​govisland.​org.





Adirondack Chairs


Adopting a Tree

Tree sponsorships are available for a donation of $5,000. If you adopt a tree, your name will be added to a tree sponsor plaque in the growing urban forest in Hammock Grove. Note that specific trees on the Island cannot be selected.

Our Adiron­dack chairs are spread through­out the Island so vis­i­tors can sit back and take a moment to relax any time dur­ing their vis­it, and they are fre­quent­ly moved around by vis­i­tors and Island staff. Bench­es and ham­mocks are more sta­tion­ary options. If you wish to fundraise for your adop­tion, we can set up a per­son­al fundrais­ing page that you can dis­trib­ute to your network. 

For more details on adopt­ing a piece of Gov­er­nors Island, email development@​friendsgi.​org.