Hammock Grove with Liggett Terrace in the background, photo by Jake Dobkin/Gothamist

Our Natural Areas

Gov­er­nors Island’s nat­ur­al areas are care­ful­ly designed and main­tained with a focus on cli­mate-resilient plants native to New York City’s eco-region that pro­vide max­i­mum ben­e­fits to Island vis­i­tors and inhab­i­tants – human and oth­er­wise – in all sea­sons. Our team inte­grates exper­i­men­tal envi­ron­men­tal solu­tions into every­day land­scape care so our nat­ur­al areas can ben­e­fit their local ecosys­tem while pro­vid­ing unin­ter­rupt­ed oppor­tu­ni­ties for peo­ple look­ing to recon­nect with nature in a safe, acces­si­ble way. Through these eco­log­i­cal hor­ti­cul­ture prac­tices, we have grown robust native habi­tats across the Island, cre­at­ing a resilient, immer­sive, thriv­ing open space for local wildlife and New York­ers alike.

Ornamental Flower Gardens

Liggett Terrace, Nolan Park

Intentionally planted areas in the Island’s historic district.

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Naturalistic & Immersive Landscapes

Hammock Grove, The Hills

A model in sustainable, built urban natural areas.

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Turf & Lawns

Parade Ground, Play Lawns

Accessible outdoor space for recreation and community.

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