Week­end Pre­view: Civ­il War Week­end, Clas­si­cal Music and So Much More

[cap­tion id=“attachment_5803” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] Some of the Island’s small­er vis­i­tors head to the Civ­il War encamp­ment and par­tic­i­pate in liv­ing his­to­ry pro­grams on Civ­il War weekend.[/caption] This week­end, the Nation­al Park Ser­vice hosts Civ­il War week­end on Gov­er­nors Island. From 10 AM to 4 PM on both Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, vis­i­tors can meet liv­ing his­to­ri­ans who will pro­vide fam­i­ly-friend­ly activ­i­ties, his­toric weapons demon­stra­tions, music and oth­er pro­grams. Meet the Civ­il War sol­diers and women of Gov­er­nors Island from the sum­mer of 1863. After stop­ping by Fort Jay or Cas­tle Williams, head down to Colonels Row on Sat­ur­day for the first ever Sum­mer Winds con­cert at 2 PM. This con­cert fea­tures more than 80 wind instru­ments and is entire­ly free to the pub­lic. On Sun­day, meet the chick­ens and goats at Earth Mat­ter Com­post Learn­ing Cen­ter and then see the Earth Tub out­side the Har­bor School. From 10 AM to 2 PM, see where 8,000 pounds of scraps gen­er­at­ed from Brook­lyn green mar­kets end up and how they are com­post­ed. And then, from 2 PM to 5 PM, you can join a bike tour with artist Rob Swain­ston to see the Storm King exhi­bi­tion of Mark di Suvero’s works while also dis­cussing pub­lic art and stop­ping peri­od­i­cal­ly to draw var­i­ous stop and look” moments. All of these great pro­grams are of course in addi­tion to the ongo­ing art exhibits and pro­grams hap­pen­ing through­out the Island.