This Week­end on Gov­er­nors Island: We Have All of Our Ongo­ing Exhibits and Events PLUS the Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty, Writ­ing On It All and Much More!!

IMG_8722Cour­tesy of Flo­ri­an Koenigs­berg­er This week­end, June 15 – 16, we’re offer­ing a whole bunch of awe­some pub­lic pro­grams and events for our beloved vis­i­tors! Join us on the Island for:Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty: Michael Arenel­la and His Dream­land Orches­tra invite you to the beloved Jazz Age Lawn Par­ty — a dream of the 1920s nes­tled right in the heart of New York Har­bor! Now in its eighth year, the event has become the quin­tes­sen­tial out­door cel­e­bra­tion of the Jazz Age and its liv­ing lega­cy. Under a canopy of cen­tu­ry-old trees, caressed by fresh sea air, a delight­ful array of offer­ings abound through­out the day includ­ing: live music and dance per­for­mances, dance instruc­tion for the hottest dance steps of the time, games for all ages and a wide vari­ety of 1920’s inspired refresh­ments and gourmet food for pur­chase. Tick­ets are required for this event. Advance Gen­er­al Admis­sion tick­ets can be pur­chased at http://​dream​lan​dorches​tra​.com/​c​a​l​e​n​d​a​r.php. If space is avail­able, tick­ets will be sold at the door • WWII & NYC: Pho­tog­ra­phy and Pro­pogan­da: This exhi­bi­tion paints a vivid pic­ture of life in war-mobi­lized New York, when vir­tu­al­ly every indus­try, insti­tu­tion and home was trans­formed into a ven­ture to sup­port Allied vic­to­ry. Through mov­ing black-and-white pho­tos, icon­ic pro­pa­gan­da posters and an authen­tic Vic­to­ry Gar­den, expe­ri­ence what total war meant for New York­ers. Hands-on activ­i­ties for all ages will be offered begin­ning July 13th. • The Skate Truck NYC: The Skate Truck NYC will pro­vide roller-skat­ing equip­ment, hel­mets and safe­ty equip­ment to skaters of any age. Skate for fun. Skate for health. Skate for life! For more infor­ma­tion vis­it skatetruck​nyc​.comWrit­ing On It All: Writ­ing on It All is a series of par­tic­i­pa­to­ry events where artists, writ­ers, and inter­est­ed mem­bers of the pub­lic can come togeth­er to write all over the inside of an out-of-use house in Nolan Park. Par­tic­i­pants explore the nature of writ­ing as col­lab­o­ra­tive, mate­r­i­al, site-spe­cif­ic, and ephemer­al. Through prompts that sup­port site-spe­cif­ic writ­ing, invit­ed artists and the pub­lic will have the chance to explore the rela­tion between writ­ing, his­to­ry and the con­struct­ed envi­ron­ment of Gov­er­nors Island. For more info on ses­sions and artists vis­it writin​go​ni​tall​.com Check out our full events cal­en­dar for the com­plete list of the stu­pen­dous pro­grams com­ing to Gov­er­nors Island this week­end and the rest of the sum­mer. Can’t wait to see you all on the Island!