! Alert

April 17, 2024 Ferry Alert: As of 3:30pm, NYC Ferry service has resumed to Governors Island.

April 17, 2024 Ferry Alert: As of 3:30pm, NYC Ferry service has resumed to Governors Island.

This week­end on Gov­er­nors Island: Pop-up Library, Bike New York, Skat­ing and More!!

Despite the rain, over 18,000 vis­i­tors took the fer­ry to Gov­er­nors Island for our open­ing week­end! Some of our favorite moments are in the slideshow below. [gallery type=“slideshow” ids=“6848,6845,6846,6844,6843,6842”] This week­end, June 1 – 2, we’re offer­ing more pub­lic pro­grams and events for vis­i­tors to enjoy! Join us on the Island for: 
  • Pop Up Library: The Brook­lyn, New York and Queens Pub­lic Libraries part­ner with the Uni Project, New York City’s portable out­door read­ing room, to pro­vide books, learn­ing activ­i­ties, and chil­dren’s pro­grams through­out the sum­mer. Vis­i­tors will be able to bor­row books in house”, reg­is­ter for library cards, sign up for sum­mer read­ing, learn more about the Uni, and learn about what’s hap­pen­ing in each of the three New York City pub­lic library systems.
  • Bike New York Class­es: On Sat­ur­day June 1st at 11am, learn how to ride a bike for the first time or brush up on your basic bik­ing skills with free Bike New York class­es on Gov­er­nors Island. For details and free pre-reg­is­tra­tion vis­it bike​newyork​.org.
  • The Skate Truck NYC: Sun­day June 2nd, the Skate Truck NYC will pro­vide roller-skat­ing equip­ment, hel­mets and safe­ty equip­ment to skaters of any age. Skate for fun. Skate for health. Skate for life! For more infor­ma­tion vis­it skatetruck​nyc​.com.
Check out our full events cal­en­dar for our full list of fun, eclec­tic, and total­ly unique pro­grams com­ing to Gov­er­nors Island this week­end and the rest of the sum­mer. See you on the Island!!