The Hills Are Open­ing in 2016!

Excit­ing news today! We are open­ing The Hills in the sum­mer of 2016, near­ly a year ahead of sched­ule. Thanks to an unsea­son­ably warm fall and rig­or­ous con­struc­tion man­age­ment, we can com­plete and open the Hills in 2016 instead of com­plet­ing in Decem­ber 2016 and open­ing in May 2017

And the Hills aren’t the only thing open­ing in 2016. The 2.2 mile prom­e­nade around the edge of the Island will reopen to vis­i­tors for bik­ing and walk­ing for the first time since we began the Island’s con­struc­tion pro­gram in 2012. Hel­lo, Lady Liberty!

That means you can climb, scram­ble, slide, stroll, sit, pic­nic and rev­el in phe­nom­e­nal views with ten new acres of park­land for the first time this sum­mer, and you can bike all the way around the Island again!

Keep your eye out on this blog, Twit­ter, Insta­gram and Face­book for updates, includ­ing more con­struc­tion pre­view tours and open­ing day news.

For a sneak peak at the Hills under con­struc­tion, check out this awe­some drone video by Night Owl Inter­ac­tive: