Spi­der­man, Sand­man, Duke it Out on Gov Isle

We recent­ly learned that Gov­er­nors Island is fea­tured in not one, but two new issues of Mar­vel Comic’s Amaz­ing Spi­der­man.” Accord­ing to the web­site Com­ic Book Resources, the issue’s writer, Fred Van Lente enjoyed the chance to use Gov­er­nors Island as a set­ting. The web­site quotes Van Lente: Gov­er­nors Island, as those who read the sto­ry know, was an Army base and then a Coast Guard sta­tion for almost a cen­tu­ry. Now, it’s open in the sum­mer as a park. You can go there, bike around and have pic­nics.” And build a secret sand lair. 

[cap­tion id=“attachment_2381” align=“aligncenter” width=“272” caption=“You can tell it’s Gov­er­nors Island by the dis­tinc­tive brick build­ing and assort­ment of green portable toi­lets. (Cour­tesy of CBR News/​Marvel Comics)”][/​caption] We’re def­i­nite­ly going to buy the issues because we have some ques­tions. How did Spi­der­man and the Sand­man get here? Did they take the fer­ry, or make like deer and swim over? How did that giant sand guy get past secu­ri­ty at the BMB? Would­n’t we need to issue a Request for Pro­pos­als to devel­op a sand lair like this? This is the biggest ani­mat­ed brush with fame for Gov­er­nors Island since The Simp­sons vis­it­ed New York City in the 1st episode of the 9th sea­son and the Island was a run­ning inside joke (Marge: It’s wall-to-wall land­marks! The Williams­burg bridge! 4th Avenue! Gov­er­nor’s Island!”).