Snow Day on Gov­er­nors Island!

The first snow­fall of the sea­son is always a treat on Gov­er­nors Island! In keep­ing with the trend — many of our favorite NYC parks are post­ing pho­tos of the fluffy white stuff — we want­ed to give you a glimpse of the win­try land­scape out here. [cap­tion id=“attachment_7379” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”]All wrapped up in snow. Colonels Row all wrapped up in snow.[/caption] [cap­tion id=“attachment_7375” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”]A view into snow covered Nolan Park. A view into snow-clad Nolan Park.[/caption] [cap­tion id=“attachment_7377” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”]The snow covered porches and brick paths of Nolan Park. The snow cov­ered porch­es and brick paths of Nolan Park.[/caption] [cap­tion id=“attachment_7378” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”]Hammock Grove, in the newly completed park. These trees will grow stronger as they brave the winter weather! Ham­mock Grove, in the new­ly com­plet­ed park. These trees will grow stronger as they brave the win­ter weather![/caption] Also, don’t miss the fan­tas­tic album that our friends at Gov­er­nors Island Nation­al Mon­u­ment post­ed this morning!