! Alert

April 19, 2024: As of 2:15pm, NYC Ferry service to Governors Island has resumed as scheduled.

April 19, 2024: As of 2:15pm, NYC Ferry service to Governors Island has resumed as scheduled.

Res­i­dent Goats Name­less No Longer!

After a long and thought­ful delib­er­a­tion, the names of our two female kid goats (one of two shown above) have been decid­ed! Wel­come Salt n Pep­pa, who will be mak­ing them­selves at home on Gov­er­nors Island’s Urban Farm this sum­mer! Orig­i­nal­ly from Goodale Farms in River­head, Long Island, they will be cared for by our friends at Earth Mat­ter until the end of the season.

Besides the fact that our fury friends are adorable and super soft, they have joined the NYC Com­post Learn­ing Cen­ter in the Urban Farm to help the com­post­ing process. Their diet will con­sist of NY res­i­dent veg­etable scraps in addi­tion to leaves, weeds, and branch­es. This will allow them to pro­duce lots of manure. In fact, goat manure has a 2.4% nitro­gen con­tent- that’s high­er than cow (0.6%) and horse manure (0.7%)! The high lev­el of nitro­gen makes goat drop­pings a great addi­tion to the compost. 

The Com­post Learn­ing Cen­ter is locat­ed in Gov­er­nors Island’s Urban Farm, near the Oval and by the entrance to the Hills. It’s open to the pub­lic Sat­ur­days and Sun­days from 12PM-4PM dur­ing the sea­son with spe­cial activ­i­ties at 2:30PM.

Vis­it https://​earth​mat​ter​.org/ for a full cal­en­dar of events and vol­un­teer opportunities.