Renowned Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Andrew Moore on Gov­er­nors Island This Saturday

[cap­tion id=“attachment_5930” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] The Gov­er­nors Island bowl­ing alley as pho­tographed by Andrew Moore in 2003[/caption] OHNY and the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island present an illus­trat­ed talk by the renowned pho­tog­ra­ph­er Andrew Moore this Sat­ur­day at 2 PM in Build­ing 110. In 2003 – 2004, Moore was com­mis­sioned by the Pub­lic Art Fund, the Munic­i­pal Art Soci­ety, and the Gov­er­nors Island Preser­va­tion and Edu­ca­tion Cor­po­ra­tion (the pre­de­ces­sor to the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island) to doc­u­ment the aban­doned build­ings of Gov­er­nors Island to show how the mil­i­tary and their fam­i­lies lived on the island for cen­turies. His talk includes images, like those above, show the aban­doned Island that is in some ways much dif­fer­ent than it looks today. [cap­tion id=“attachment_5931” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] Moore’s pho­to­graph of the gym­na­si­um in Liggett Hall[/caption] He pho­tographed St. Cor­nelius Chapel, the bowl­ing alley, Burg­er King, Liggett Hall, and sev­er­al that are now open to the pub­lic such as Cas­tle Williams. See Moore’s cap­ti­vat­ing images of the Island that serve as a his­tor­i­cal record of the Island’s dynam­ic past by com­ing to Build­ing 110 on Saturday.