Putting Gov­er­nors Island on the Map — Literally


Google has final­ly put us on the map! Ear­li­er this sum­mer, the Google Street View car  paid a vis­it to Gov­er­nors Island (see below). Now, a small but stun­ning por­tion of the Island is vis­i­ble in Google Street View. For those of you who have yet to expe­ri­ence the won­der that is Street View, it’s a func­tion with­in the online Google Maps pro­gram that allows you see 360 degree hor­i­zon­tal and 290 degree ver­ti­cal panoram­ic views of posi­tions along streets around the world. Streets View answers the ques­tion What’s it like there?” in a way that a sta­t­ic map nev­er could. Help put MORE of Gov­er­nors Island on the Map! We think peo­ple should be able to explore the whole Island in Street View, so we’re lob­by­ing Google to expand its cov­er­age. You can help! Google is now tak­ing sug­ges­tions for places to explore with their new Street View TRI­CY­CLE. There’s a spe­cial form on their web­site, and you have until Octo­ber 28 to sub­mit your sug­ges­tions to them. When the Google car was out here this sum­mer, we tried to squeeze into Fort Jay and Cas­tle Williams, but the vehi­cle was too big. It was too big for Nolan Park and oth­er parts of our car-free Island. We’re think­ing the Google tri­cy­cle would do the trick. And we all know that good things come on tri­cy­cles. [cap­tion id=“attachment_2321” align=“aligncenter” width=“542” caption=“The Google Streets View van explor­ing Gov­er­nors Island”]Google and Graduation 023[/​caption]