Our 2016 Vis­i­tor Report Card

The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island is excit­ed to pub­lish its 2016 Vis­i­tor Sur­vey Report. Over the course of the 2016 pub­lic access sea­son, our staff and vol­un­teers, assist­ed by our intre­pid team of Har­bor Interns from the New York Urban Assem­bly Har­bor School, sur­veyed over 1,500 visitors.

Data was col­lect­ed from every fifth per­son wait­ing in line for the fer­ries leav­ing Gov­er­nors Island on a rota­tion­al sched­ule to ensure an accu­rate and non-biased sam­ple. We also com­pared our sam­ple against the total Island vis­i­tor­ship data col­lect­ed by the fer­ry oper­a­tors. The final report includes analy­ses of both data sets.

Our team assem­bled a few of out favorite stats into the info­graph­ic above. To read the full report, click here.