Now Accept­ing Pro­pos­als: Year-Round Food & Recre­ation­al Ameni­ties on Gov­er­nors Island


Photo by Julienne Schaer

Gov­er­nors Island, now open to the pub­lic year-round for the first time ever, is the ide­al spot for all-sea­son food, bev­er­age, recre­ation­al and oth­er ameni­ty con­ces­sions. Sub­mit a pro­pos­al today to bring your ideas to this icon­ic loca­tion, just min­utes from Low­er Man­hat­tan and Brooklyn.

The Trust for Gov­er­nors Island is accept­ing pro­pos­als for food, bev­er­age and ameni­ties ven­dors to oper­ate in any sea­son. The Island is one of New York City’s most unique des­ti­na­tions, with near­ly one mil­lion vis­i­tors enjoy­ing arts and cul­tur­al pro­grams, events, recre­ation and activ­i­ties, award-win­ning open space with unri­valed views of the New York City sky­line and more each year.

We’re look­ing for part­ners that:

  • Can offer high-qual­i­ty, afford­able, food or recre­ation activ­i­ties for our diverse vis­i­tors on a con­sis­tent schedule.
  • Com­ple­ment and sup­port Gov­er­nors Island’s new year-round pub­lic hours. Ven­dors that can pro­vide win­ter-appro­pri­ate recre­ation activ­i­ties that take advan­tage of the Island’s abun­dant open space, hills and path­ways; win­ter-friend­ly food con­ces­sions; or hol­i­day mar­kets and win­ter attrac­tions are strong­ly encour­aged to apply.
  • Share the Trust’s goal of pro­mot­ing a sus­tain­able and zero-waste environment.

Pro­pos­als will be accept­ed on a rolling basis. Click here to learn more and sub­mit a proposal.