Mol­ly Brown is now a City-Wide Phenomenon!

[cap­tion id=“attachment_4625” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“Molly Brown’s head shot”][/​caption] Although it was just three months ago when Mol­ly Brown swam across the But­ter­milk Chan­nel to Gov­er­nors Island, she has already made a name for her­self. Time Out New York calls her one of New York City’s ani­mal mas­cots. Mol­ly Brown is hon­ored to be includ­ed among the mas­cots, which also include the Brook­lyn Brewery’s cat, Mon­ster, and Make Workshop’s Chi­huahua, Rita. The arti­cle shares some of Mol­ly Brown’s tips for enjoy­ing a day on Gov­er­nors Island. She sug­gests chas­ing the chick­ens at the Earth Mat­ters com­post cen­ter and tak­ing a nap under a tree at Pic­nic Point. She wants me to let you know that she also loves to dig for worms at the Added Val­ue farm and build sand­cas­tles at Water Taxi Beach. On your next vis­it, make sure to look out for Mol­ly Brown hang­ing out in one of her favorite places!