Misty the cow takes a day-trip

Misty the cow, Gov­er­nors Island’s newest (tem­po­rary) res­i­dent, was on the move today when she went to Low­er Man­hat­tan to stretch her legs and see more of our fair city. Misty is part of the New Island Fes­ti­val, a Dutch fes­ti­val of the arts on the Island. The fes­ti­val fea­tures site spe­cif­ic per­for­mances, incred­i­ble visu­al arts, DJ sets, and, of course, Misty. You still have four more days when you can meet Misty your­self. Come out to Gov­er­nors Island Thurs­day — Sun­day for the New Island Fes­ti­val and head down to the Boule­vard of Bro­ken Dreams. Misty will be wait­ing to greet you.
[cap­tion id=“attachment_2054” align=“alignleft” width=“300” caption=“Misty the cow returns to Gov­er­nors Island after a short day trip to Low­er Man­hat­tan”]Misty the cow returns to Governors Island after a short day tri to Lower Manhattan[/​caption]
 [cap­tion id=“attachment_2056” align=“alignleft” width=“300” caption=“To our knowl­edge, Misty is the only cow to ever have rid­den on the Gov­er­nors Island fer­ry, the Coursen”]To our knowledge, Misty is the only cow to ever have ridden on the Governors Island ferry, the Coursen[/​caption] [cap­tion id=“attachment_2057” align=“alignleft” width=“300” caption=“Misty is on her way back to the New Island Fes­ti­val, where she will be ready to greet vis­i­tors Thurs­day — Sun­day ”]Misty is on her way back to the New Island Festival, where she will be ready to greet visitors Thursday - Sunday [/​caption]