Meet the Gov­er­nors Island Gardeners

Gar­den­ing team at work plant­i­ng bulbs in Liggett Terrace.
This year, thanks to gen­er­ous dona­tions from sup­port­ers, Gov­er­nors Island was able to hire our first-ever team of full-time, year-round gar­den­ers. This small but mighty team of five cares for the 120 acres of open space on Gov­er­nors Island – that’s the equiv­a­lent of 158 foot­ball fields! Each gar­den­er focus­es on a cer­tain sec­tion, or zone” of the Island’s open spaces with­in the His­toric Dis­trict, and new park on the South­ern por­tion of the Island. Assist­ed by the many help­ing hands of our cor­po­rate and indi­vid­ual vol­un­teers, the team made a lot of great progress this year, includ­ing sow­ing 12 acres of seeds in the Hills, Ham­mock Grove and Liggett Ter­race, prun­ing near­ly 1,000 of the young trees in the new park and plant­i­ng near­ly 8,000 bulbs, which will bloom in 2020. Read on to learn more about the team and their impor­tant work. 

Gar­den­ers Dana (left) and Ben (right) work­ing in their respec­tive zones.

Gar­den­ing Zone: Ham­mock Grove
Tell us more about Ham­mock Grove: In addi­tion to ham­mocks, Ham­mock Grove is home to the largest con­cen­tra­tion of trees on the Island – 1,400 indi­vid­ual trees of 40 dif­fer­ent species. I prune and care for them to fos­ter a healthy and dynam­ic urban for­est.
Favorite plant on the Island: Mug­wort (Artemisia vul­garis) – part of my job is to remove this inva­sive plant from the land­scapes. I have a healthy respect for my adver­sary!
Favorite place on the Island: Pic­nic Point, with it’s great view of the Stat­ue of Liberty 

Gar­den­ing Zone: Ham­mock Grove
What’s your day-to-day work like?: My role is to remove inva­sive phrag­mites and mug­wort from Ham­mock Grove, so it remains a beau­ti­ful place for vis­i­tors to enjoy.
Favorite plant on the Island: Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhi­na)
Favorite place on the Island: Ham­mock Grove is divid­ed into sec­tions we call petals (because they look like the petals of a flower) – my favorite part of the Island is petal 12, near the Urban Farm.

Gar­den­ing Zone:
Liggett Ter­race
What’s your favorite thing about Liggett Ter­race?: Liggett Ter­race is a unique space to build upon my fine gar­den­ing and design expe­ri­ence, as it is a for­mal gar­den con­nect­ing the old­er, his­toric North Island, and the new­er, exper­i­men­tal South Island. I love that Liggett allows me the chance to play with flow­ers and col­ors.
Favorite plant on the Island: Amer­i­can Elm (Ulmus amer­i­cana)
Favorite place on the Island: Nolan Park in the his­toric district 

Gar­den­ing Zone: the Hills
Tell us more about the Hills: The four Hills were designed to help the Island be more resilient to cli­mate change and ris­ing sea lev­els. In addi­tion to pro­vid­ing a great view for vis­i­tors, they’re also home to 42,000 shrubs and 800 trees that increase the Island’s bio­di­ver­si­ty and attract pol­li­na­tors and birds.
Favorite plant on the Island: Pitch Pine (Pinus rigi­da)
Favorite place on the Island: Dis­cov­ery Hill 

Gar­den­ing Zone: Out­look Hill and Dis­cov­ery Hill
Which is your favorite of the four Hills?: Slide Hill is prob­a­bly the most fun hill. I make sure it remains a fun place for kids of all ages to climb and play.
Favorite plant on the Island: Sum­mer Sweet Shrub (Clethra alni­fo­lia)
Favorite place on the Island: Rachel Whiteread­’s Cab­in on Dis­cov­ery Hill 

While Gov­er­nors Island is closed for the sea­son, the Hor­ti­cul­ture team is still active­ly keep­ing the Island’s plants and land­scapes healthy dur­ing the win­ter, while also strate­gi­cal­ly plan­ning for the upcom­ing sea­son. Keep­ing Gov­er­nors Island vibrant is a year-round job! 

Want to sup­port the gar­den­ing team? Con­sid­er mak­ing a dona­tion. Dona­tions sup­port their work to care for and beau­ti­fy Gov­er­nors Island’s land­scapes, ensur­ing this Island remains a lush oasis for all New York­ers to enjoy. 

Chris at work with young vol­un­teer gardeners.