Labor Day Weekend

Cel­e­brate Labor Day Week­end on Gov­er­nors Island with many fun and free activ­i­ties! [cap­tion id=“attachment_7802” align=“aligncenter” width=“468” class=” ”]Extra ferries will run on Labor Day. Image courtesy of the Trust.   Extra fer­ries will run on Labor Day from Brook­lyn and Man­hat­tan. Image cour­tesy of the Trust.[/caption] Come expe­ri­ence the many excit­ing activ­i­ties on Gov­er­nors Island! The Trust is extend­ing fer­ry ser­vice on the half hour from Brook­lyn and Man­hat­tan through Mon­day because of the hol­i­day. On Gov­er­nors Island you can lay in a ham­mock, pic­nic, rent a bike, and enjoy deli­cious ice cream. There are also sev­er­al spe­cial events hap­pen­ing on the Island this weekend. Explore Nolan Scav­enger Hunt  The sec­ond Explore Nolan Scav­enger Hunt is hap­pen­ing this Sat­ur­day. The his­toric yel­low hous­es in Nolan Park become the home to many arts exhi­bi­tions and cul­tur­al orga­ni­za­tions over the sum­mer. Cur­rent­ly, there are over 12 dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions with­in Nolan Park. You can find hand­made gifts at the Brook­lyn Artery and the Bet­ter Than Jam Pop-Up, or enjoy sev­er­al group shows put on by The Sculp­tures Guild or the Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter of Pho­tog­ra­phy. [cap­tion id=“attachment_7803” align=“aligncenter” width=“468” class=” ”]Come explore the many exhibitions in Nolan Park this summer. Image courtesy of The Trust. Come explore the many exhi­bi­tions in Nolan Park this sum­mer. Image cour­tesy of The Trust.[/caption] The scav­enger hunt asks you to answer ques­tions about many of the exhi­bi­tions in Nolan Park. The 5 teams and 5 indi­vid­u­als who are the quick­est to com­plete the hunt will win prizes giv­en by orga­ni­za­tions on the Island. Some of the prizes include free sur­rey rides from Blaz­ing Sad­dles, pho­tog­ra­phy cat­a­logs from the Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter of Pho­tog­ra­phy, and two tick­ets to a future Third Rail Pro­duc­tions per­for­mance. You can down­load the clue sheet here , pick one up from the Gov­er­nors Island Alliance Wel­come sta­tions at Sois­sons Land­ing or Yan­kee Pier, or down­load the new Gov­er­nors Island Alliance Phig­i­tal Tour App on your phone and look for the Nolan Park Scav­enger Hunt tour! NYC Uni­cy­cle Festival  For a tru­ly unique expe­ri­ence, come to Gov­er­nors Island this week­end for the NYC Uni­cy­cle Fes­ti­val. The fes­ti­val brings more than 300 uni­cy­cle enthu­si­asts togeth­er for fun activ­i­ties and astound­ing events! A par­tial list of activ­i­ties include races, com­pe­ti­tions, exhi­bi­tions, and the uni­cy­cle sports. Come see uni­cy­cle bas­ket­ball, hock­ey, sumo, and even uni­cy­cle dou­ble dutch! [cap­tion id=“attachment_7801” align=“aligncenter” width=“468”]Double Dutch A lit­tle game of uni­cy­cle dou­ble dutch at the NYC Uni­cy­cle Fes­ti­val. Image cour­tesy of The Trust.[/caption] World-famous rid­ers will dis­play their skills, and of course vis­i­tors to the fes­ti­val will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to try their feet at some one — wheel rid­ing. Events on Gov­er­nors Island are on Sat­ur­day-Sun­day from 12pm — 5pm. See here for a full list of events