Jump into the Gov­er­nors Island Nation­al Mon­u­men­t’s Flickr pool and fol­low them on Twitter

The Gov­er­nors Island Nation­al Mon­u­ment, which com­pris­es the amaz­ing struc­tures of Fort Jay, Cas­tle Williams and the land between them, has cre­at­ed a Flickr pool so vis­i­tors can share their own mem­o­ries of Gov­er­nors Island and their vis­its here. You can check out their great pho­tos of the forts, NPS’ out­stand­ing sea­son­al rangers, and of course one of the Island’s most incred­i­ble assets — its views. Want to stay in the loop about all the hap­pen­ings at the Gov­er­nors Island Nation­al Mon­u­ment? Be sure to fol­low them on Twit­ter! [cap­tion id=“attachment_2516” align=“alignleft” width=“300” caption=“Fort Jay is one part of the Gov­er­nors Island Nation­al Mon­u­ment and is one of three for­ti­fi­ca­tions on Gov­er­nors Island orig­i­nal­ly built to defend New York Har­bor. ”][/​caption] [cap­tion id=“attachment_2517” align=“alignright” width=“300” caption=“Castle Williams is one of Gov­er­nors Island’s unique struc­tures and is also part of the Nation­al Mon­u­ment. Next year marks the 200th anniver­sary of its com­ple­tion. ”][/​caption]