Don’t Miss The Boat On These Exhibits Clos­ing in July!

We’ve had a busy start to the sea­son on Gov­er­nors Island, and sad­ly we say good­bye to sev­er­al of our rotat­ing exhibits end­ing soon in July. All exhibits list­ed below are free and open to the public. 


Sculp­tors Guild presents Cur­rent­ly 80, Week­ends through July 16, 12 – 5 PM, Nolan Park House 7B.

In 1942, the orig­i­nal founders of the Sculp­tors Guild assem­bled to ded­i­cate itself to unit­ing and pro­mot­ing the work of sculp­tors in soci­ety. This year marks the 80th anniver­sary of the Sculp­tors Guild and the tenth year they have been present on Gov­er­nors Island. To cel­e­brate the longevi­ty of the orga­ni­za­tion, the Sculp­tors Guild has cre­at­ed the Cur­rent­ly 80 exhib­it. Curat­ed by John Yau, Cur­rent­ly 80 is com­prised by work of 50 of the Guild’s present mem­bers. The works show­case sculp­tures in var­i­ous artis­tic medi­ums includ­ing: wood, clay, steel, zone, bronze, fab­ric, neon, and dig­i­tal medium. 

Art of Intu­itive Pho­tog­ra­phy, Week­ends through July 9, 11 – 5 PM, Nolan Park House 8A.

The Art of Intu­itive Pho­tog­ra­phy show­cas­es the works of pho­tog­ra­phers who have uti­lized an intu­itive” approach to tak­ing pho­tos. Focused upon relax­ing the body and cap­tur­ing the spon­tane­ity of the envi­ron­ment sur­round­ing the pho­tog­ra­ph­er allows the artist to take a more cre­ative pho­to. As Mindy Veis­sid, the cre­ator of the class explains, the result is a stark change from doing pho­tog­ra­phy” to expe­ri­enc­ing photography.” 

New York Elec­tron­ic Art Fes­ti­val, Week­ends through July 23, 12 – 5 PM, Nolan Park House 7A.

Launched 10 years ago, the New York Elec­tron­ic Art Fes­ti­val employs sound and advanced tech­nol­o­gy to cre­ate elec­tron­ic art­work. Vis­i­tors receive an in depth expla­na­tion of how tech­nol­o­gy is used in art and its effect on present day cul­ture. Exhi­bi­tions chal­lenge audi­ences pre-con­ceived notions of elec­tron­ic art and artists fea­ture a vari­ety of sub­jects that range from water to politics. 

Med­i­ta­tion Sum­mer, Week­ends through July 9, 12 – 6 pm, Colonels Row 407A.

Calm your mind and find tran­quil­i­ty. Med­i­ta­tion Sum­mer presents dif­fer­ent med­i­ta­tion ses­sions led by experts, teach­ers, and Zen mas­ters. The pro­gram fea­tures free Intro­duc­tion to Med­i­ta­tion class­es and an exhib­it on Med­i­ta­tion and the Brain. This exhib­it focus­es on neu­ro­science and advance­ment in med­ical tech­nol­o­gy that pro­vide an intrigu­ing insight into our most com­pli­cat­ed organ, the human brain. 

Thank you to the Sculp­tors Guild, Art of Intu­itive Pho­tog­ra­phy and Med­i­ta­tion Sum­mer for pro­vid­ing these stel­lar FREE pro­grams to Gov­er­nors Island vis­i­tors. Stay tuned for more announce­ments about new exhibits in Nolan Park and Colonels Row!