Join Elas­tic City on Sun­day on Gov­er­nors Island

[cap­tion id=“attachment_5076” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] Elas­tic City comes to Gov­er­nors Island with a work­shop and way in Build­ing 110 this Sun­day and next. (pho­to from[/caption] Join Elas­tic City in LMC­C’s Art Cen­ter at Build­ing 110 on Gov­er­nors Island this Sun­day and next at 1 PM for a way and work­shop. Below is the descrip­tion from Elas­tic-City: In 1876, Walt Whit­man observed farm­ers walk­ing their cows across But­ter­milk Chan­nel at low tide from Brook­lyn to Gov­er­nors Island. What was once a sim­ple act of walk­ing in the 19th cen­tu­ry has become an impos­si­ble feat by a com­plex web of infra­struc­ture, eco­nom­ics and pol­i­tics, sub­ways, bus­es, and fer­ries. With this his­toric act in mind, we will explore con­cepts of bridges and cross­ings on Gov­er­nors Island. Using sim­ple mate­ri­als we will imag­ine ways to span dis­tances, con­nect points, and oth­er­wise cast lines that make two into one. Part his­to­ry, part draw­ing, archi­tec­ture and exer­cise, this way will recast the island’s recre­ation space into a riv­er of bridges. You can reg­is­ter for the way here