Island Oys­ter Grand Opening

This 4th of July week­end there was more than one rea­son for Gov­er­nors Island to cel­e­brate. Island Oys­ter, a 32,000 square-foot water­front restau­rant and bar opened for busi­ness. The restau­rant, run by Alex and Miles Pic­nus, the life­long sailors and restau­ran­teurs behind cel­e­brat­ed oys­ter bar Grand Banks fea­tures a vari­ety of refresh­ing cock­tails, wines, a selec­tion of craft beers, and a soon to launch menu of sus­tain­ably har­vest­ed oys­ters and approach­able dishes. 

Locat­ed adja­cent to Sois­sons Land­ing, guests at Island Oys­ter can look out at Brook­lyn, Man­hat­tan, New Jer­sey and Ellis Island at a 36-seat white mar­ble and mahogany oys­ter bar, a 44-seat water­front ban­quette and a 100-foot bar along the water’s edge. The restau­rant own­ers are also part­ner­ing with The Bil­lion Oys­ter Project, a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion on the Island, is ded­i­cat­ed pri­mar­i­ly to the restora­tion of the New York Har­bor. In a recent inter­view with Grub Street Alex explained that Island Oys­ter is ori­ent­ed explic­it­ly toward the water.” Main­tain­ing the theme of water, Island Oys­ter’s menu fea­tures a vari­ety of seafood dish­es in addi­tion to its raw bar. Sit­u­at­ed right next to Fer­ry Land­ing, the restau­rant offers a gor­geous view of the har­bor and down­town Man­hat­tan. Whether your are sit­ting down for a meal or just grab­bing an after­noon drink at the bar, Island Oys­ter is soon to become a sta­ple of the Gov­er­nors Island experience.

Island Oys­ter is open for drinks Mon­day-Fri­day from 12PM-6PM, and Sat­ur­day and Sun­day 12PM-7PM. For more info, vis­it IslandOys​ter​.com. and http://​www​.grand​banks​.org