Island Clean Up is Underway

[cap­tion id=“attachment_6088” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] Trust and Island staff have been work­ing to clean up debris around the Island left by Hur­ri­cane Sandy.[/caption] As we men­tioned to you on Thurs­day, Gov­er­nors Island came through Hur­ri­cane Sandy well. While there are sticks, tree limbs and debris around the Island that washed ashore, the clean up is well under­way and Island oper­a­tions are get­ting up and run­ning. Incred­i­bly, only four trees on the Trust’s prop­er­ty were lost and they are now being cleared away. [cap­tion id=“attachment_6089” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] A tree limb came down in Nolan Park but was well clear of all the his­toric build­ings. None of the his­toric build­ings sus­tained any dam­age from the storm.[/caption] Every­thing on the Island is get­ting back on track. Con­struc­tion will get back under­way this week at the site of the new park and pub­lic spaces and the Trust’s offices will be open for business.