Island Archives: Island Cuisine

Next sea­son on Gov­er­nors Island vis­i­tors will enjoy an array of tasty food choic­es, but good eat­ing has a long his­to­ry on the island. Dur­ing the Coast Guard peri­od, upwards of 5,000 peo­ple a day could be found liv­ing and/​or work­ing on the island. Among them was a group called the Enlist­ed Mens Wives Club.” One of their projects was a com­pre­hen­sive cook­book of favorite recipes from the islands chefs. The menus are var­ied and diverse from Drunk Meat­balls” to bagels to Banana Breeze Pie.” The book also includes some cook­ing basics and con­ver­sion charts for new cooks and charm­ing­ly illus­trat­ed chap­ter breaks.  If Cab­bage Soup isn’t your thing, per­haps a nice hash?  The cook­book even pro­vides ideas for the weight conscious.  If you see any­thing that looks good, go ahead, cook it up and let us know what you think!